I have been asked many times what constitutes a “FIVE STAR REVIEW”… What makes a book THAT special?
The truth is it takes more than just a criteria or a grade. It’s something that you need to feel from a book. A FIVE star book has to be well written. It has to be a great story. It has to be completely enthralling. It has to be something that people will just go crazy for…
At Novel Ideas we don’t usually write anything less than FIVE star reviews. I refuse to pan a book or degrade a book that many others may see as a FIVE star read. I refuse to break the authors dream to bits. Therefore, any book that is less that FIVE stars is returned to the writer, and we ask them to submit it when they feel it is a FIVE star book…
We believe that every writer has the right to know why we feel their book isn’t a FIVE star read…. We are happy to privately tell them why the book didn’t make the grade… But, we won’t do that publicly…
So, if you submit your book to Novel Ideas and you find an email in your inbox with a returned payment… Please don’t be upset! Re-submit later on and you may just get yourself on here…